Review by Chelsea Harmon

Yvonne C. Cobbs-Bey delivered the good news of the Lord with her uplifting vocals. She has pushed the envelope, bringing the traditional southern Baptist sound and incorporating jazz make's her uplifting message mainstream. "God’s Always There" would bring any Christian to their feet, with a contagious foot tapping rhythm that would get a whole building to dance. Church choirs should all appreciate the high quality of vocal variety displayed in a single piece. Yvonne Cobbs-Bey has pushed the Christian music industry to reinvent what constitutes ‘Christian music’; she’s made everyone realize there is more than one style. Yvonne also turned it up a notch on "I’ll Be Praying for You," a soulful ballad opening with a voice over of the Our Father. The song, whose soft R&B nuances, made this Christian artist’s area of influence swell, will no doubt be picked up as a hot track by the hip hop/soul community. Although the message is a religious one, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to see the song grace radio waves and gaining a solid fan base of listeners. As Bey continues to develop her craft as a singer and her creativity soars to new heights, she is sure to wow so many more, like she has wowed so many already.

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